Mūsu #EGU22 skaitļos:
- 6 mūsu darba grupas ziņojumi no vairāk kā 12 tūkstošiem prezentāciju.
- Mēs bijām 6 no 7315 klātienes dalībniekiem.
- Mēs pārstāvējām Latviju starp kopumā 116 valstīm no visas pasaules.
Vēlies uzzināt par ko mēs stāstītājām? Iepazīsties ar tēzēm:
- Jānis Bikše et al. Performance analysis of missing data imputation methods for daily groundwater hydrographs using typical gap patterns
- Marta Jemeljanova et al. Comparison of Impulse response funciton and machine learning models for use in groundwater level short to medium term future projections in the Baltic states
- Inga Retiķe et al. Clustering of groundwater hydrographs to reveal common patterns for the Baltic region.
- Gunta Kalvāne et al. Phenological and thermal growing season changes in the Baltics
- Alise Babre et al. Assessment of groundwater determinative recharge seasons and their spatial distribution in the Baltic States based on response to historical drought 1989–2018
- Andis Kalvāns. Memory effect of soil water regime in wet forests, Norther Europe, Latvia.